Entries by Vijay Kr

Curbing Food Wastage is Our Motto at TheoryAtl

Would you believe if we told you that a place like New York creates about half a million tonnes of food wastage every year? Yes, that’s a fact and it is a major reason why New York is filling up all its landfills quickly. According to stats, if only 5% of this wastage is curbed […]

Tips to Organize a Party in Restaurants in Duluth

The restaurants in Duluth are well known for hosting parties that celebrate occasions like Graduation Day, marriage anniversaries, and others. You have to get in touch with casual dining restaurants in Duluth, Atlanta to get the party going. However, there are some tips to follow that help you do the job in a better way. […]

How to Add Variety to Cocktail Menu

To encourage patrons to visit a bar in Duluth, GA, the cocktail menu has to be great. And one word that has to be associated with a great cocktail is ‘variety’. You cannot expect a monotonous cocktails menu or a single tone cocktail menu to work wonders with patrons. We tried out some tricks to […]

What Works for Restaurants with Live Music

In the last couple of years, restaurants with live music have seen a spurt in growth. Families and groups of friends or professionals prefer this kind of restaurants and lounges over traditional eateries. There are several reasons why restaurants with live music are the preferred dining destinations for most people. Let us look at some […]